Bar Alegre is located in Horikawa-cho, in Hiroshima's Naka Ward.
- 初めてBar Alegreを
- 秘密の扉をくぐりたい方へ
- お店が大事にしている
Lead sentence
「Bar Alegre(バーアレグレ)」は、2013年に広島市中区堀川町でオープンして以来、国籍や世代を問わず多くの方にカクテルやウイスキーを中心に楽しんでいただいています。こちらのサイトではバーに行き慣れた方はもちろん、初めてバーを訪れる方、広島の夜を満喫したい方々に向けて、Alegreの世界観と楽しみ方をご紹介。
3F Cony Bldg.
1-32 Horikawacho Naka-Ward,
Hiroshima-City, Hiroshima Pref.
- bar_alegre_hiroshima
- Bar Alegre
- Bar Alegre(バーアレグレ)
- tel:082-248-7470
- 〒730-0033 広島県広島市中区堀川町1-32 コニービル3F
- アクセス
広島電鉄「胡町電停」より徒歩2分 - 駐車場
無し - 営業時間
19:00~2:00(L.O.1:30) - 総席数
茶室・・・カウンター6席 テーブル席10席
Speakeasy・・・カウンター席11席 場合によってはスタンディングもOK
※貸切可(~18名様)詳しくはご相談ください - クレジットカード
※電子マネー不可 - テーブルチャージ
At Bar Alegre in Horikawacho, in Hiroshima's Naka Ward,
we offer unique Japanese cocktails showcasing internationally renowned knowledge and skills.
If you need help deciding what to order, we even have a 'Surprise Me Drink.'
We invite you to immerse yourself in the Japanese bar experience and the hospitality of Japanese bartenders.

We offer an extensive range of cocktails, including classics and our own signature creations. We have a menu at the bar, but you can also tell us your preferences or simply say, "Surprise me!" Traditional Japanese bar culture is dedicated to communication, to craft the perfect drink just for you. Our talented bartenders are here to create exquisite cocktails for guests.
Our establishment has two entrances with distinct concepts. One of them embodies the chashitsu, a space dedicated to the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. The other embodies speakeasies, secret bars that originated in America's Prohibition era. Both are part of Bar Alegre, yet they offer unique experiences not only at the entrances but also in their atmosphere and service style. We invite you to come and try it out for yourself.
3F Cony Bldg.
1-32 Horikawacho Naka-Ward,
Hiroshima-City, Hiroshima Pref.
7:00p.m~2:00a.m (L.O.1:30a.m)
Credit card
- bar_alegre_hiroshima
- alegre.hiroshima